The Parable of the Rare Fruit Tree
A Story by Lorraine
Once there was a faithful farmer who was asked by the Lord to plant, care for, and bring to maturity, a rare fruit tree. The Lord explained that this fruit tree when it has reached maturity would produce new fruit daily. He went on to explain that the fruit of this tree would be the sweetest tasting fruit the Lord could bring forth through this tree. However, the farmer should understand that this tree would require a great amount of care and cost.
The farmer was excited at this opportunity to help the Lord and agreed that he would care for this tree no matter the cost. The Lord could trust and depend on him to care for His precious fruit tree.
So the farmer planted this unusual seed that the Lord provided in the best soil he could find. Everyday he watered the seed. Soon it started to emerge out of the soil. The farmer now was concerned. He thought, “What about the deer of the wild? They could come and eat the budding fruit tree.” So the farmer decided to get some metal mesh fencing to build a cage around the tree to keep the wild critters from eating the Lord’s tree. Then the farmer thought, “I should probably fertilize the soil to help the tree grow strong.” So the farmer got the best fertilizer he could buy at the store because after all, nothing is too good for the Lord.
Time passed on and the tree that was protected grew and it was truly a beautiful tree. But then one day the farmer noticed the tree was getting bugs and somehow was developing some kind of disease. So the farmer called a tree specialist to come and test the tree to see what disease it had.
The Lord’s rare fruit tree had already cost the farmer a lot of his time and money. He was concerned now about having to pay for a tree specialist, but if he didn’t the tree would die. The farmer had promised the Lord he would take care of the tree “no matter the cost.” The tree specialist test cost $1500 and the treatment for the disease was another $500. A total of $2000! The farmer didn’t have $2000. What was he going to do?
The tree specialist was a God loving man. He told the farmer he could pay him when he got the money. That was good news to the farmer but now the farmer was in debt. How was he going to pay the bill?
The rare fruit tree recovered from its disease and it matured. It produced new fruit daily all year long just as the Lord said.
“What an amazing tree!” thought the farmer. It was the most delicious tasting fruit he had ever eaten. He was so excited that he decided to share one or two of the fruit with each neighbor and friend. “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” the farmer would say. “Yes indeed!” They all would say after taking a bite of the fruit. “I have never had fruit like this before! I would gladly take some more anytime you are looking for someone to share it with.”
After a few days the farmer started thinking about the debt he owed the tree specialist. The farmer was a firm believer that you should pay your bills.
Then he got an idea. “Why not sell some of the fruit to help raise the money needed to pay the bill?” The farmer collected some of the fruit and went to some of the people he gave some to eat that enjoyed it so much.
The farmer said, “I am selling some of the delicious fruit you enjoyed to help pay for the disease treatment I had done on the rare fruit tree the Lord asked me to take care of. Would you like to buy some?”
One person said, “I already have a bunch of fruit at home that I need to eat.”
Another person said, “I am not interested. But thank you for all your hard work for the Lord!”
Another person said, “I just bought a bunch of bread from the neighbor so I am over my spending budget and can’t buy anything more. Don’t worry. God will bless you!
The farmer went home discouraged. He wondered why the people who so loved to eat the fruit from the rare fruit tree would not buy any from him, leaving him unable to pay the debt.
As a child my dad gave me some wise words. He observed that I had a giving nature as a child so he told me in a scolding voice,
“People will take anything you give them, gladly, but then you will have nothing. People don’t give in return.”
I was so blown away by his words. I thought how could he be so cynical in his view of people? He wasn’t. He was just stating a truth. The truth is that people are selfish by nature.
I didn’t allow his words to discourage me from being a generous spirit. I knew it would be wrong to withhold my giving just because other people may not be, but I have never forgotten his words. I am guessing he was trying to keep me from getting hurt.
As Christians we live in a world of what I call “neat and tidy Christianity.” As a ministry co-head, what the Lord has called me to do in ministry and my walk with Him is not “neat and tidy,” nor has it been. If Jesus was “neat and tidy,” Lazarus would have never died and been dead for four days before Jesus raised him from the dead (John 11: 1-43).
I promise you that Jesus didn’t plan his finances with Dave Ramsay. That is a conversation I would have loved to hear. Can you imagine Ramsay saying,
“Jesus! You don’t have enough fishes and loaves in the account to feed the 5000 people.
Jesus! You don’t have wedding wine in the cellar account.
Jesus! I keep telling you that a fish is not FDIC approved for a savings account. Put your money in a bank and not the mouth of a fish!”
Jesus isn’t “neat and tidy” and it seems most Christians want their walk to be “neat and tidy.” If your walk with the Lord isn’t costing you then you are probably not in a serious life-changing walk. Do not get me wrong. I have nothing against the teaching of Dave Ramsay but I am following Jesus and not Dave. I promise you, Jesus will ask you to do things financially for him that will make no sense to you or Dave.
Like it or not, it is true.
I have heard people say, “I want to see the miracles of the Bible today.” The disciples left “everything” behind to “follow” Jesus. What have you left behind? What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus? it seems most Christians are planning their happy lives not asking Jesus what He wants. They have retirement pension in hand and airline tickets in the other hand to visit the nearest grandchild. The attitude being Jesus will have to find someone else to help His ministry.
I can hear some saying, “Oh Lorraine! I have worked hard all my life and saved my money to do all the things in my old age that I have wanted to do.” There is nothing wrong with saving money or enjoying yourself but the question is “Is this your money or the Lord’s money? Are you totally surrendered to the Lord?” This is between you and the Lord. I personally don’t want to be accountable to the Lord on judgement day for not being obedient because I want and need everything “neat and tidy.” Are you trying to serve yourself first instead of Jesus? That is between you and Jesus.
I recently had a two-day fundraising sale in our apartment. I worked for two weeks from the time I got up to the time I went to bed. I sent invitations out to many people. There were some that were absolutely delighted to tell me they were going to be out of town and couldn’t come. Some said they were going to come and never showed up. Some were sick. I even had some people be downright rude to me.
I came home after delivering some invitations and I told George, “People are mean!” In the end, I had a total of two people attend my sale.
After the first day of the sale, I had a melt down. I told George it wouldn’t be so bad but I need winter boots and I need new shoes. I have a hole in one shoe because I don’t have winter boots and now the shoes are damaged from the snow. I went all last winter without winter boots. I have some dress boots but they aren’t for everday use. (Please! Under no circumstances ask me what size of boots I wear.)
I am sharing this not to get pity but to help you understand the cost of my walk and obedience. People like to read my articles but they don’t understand what it has cost me to get the revelation that I do for my articles. Sometimes I can’t help but be a bit resentful because others treat my revelation as spiritual fast food. I think this is what my dad was trying to warn me about with people “gladly” taking anything you give them. They take it and enjoy it but there is “no cost” to them and either they don’t realize my cost or they don’t care.
If my dad were alive he would think I was stupid for doing this ministry and he would be trying to get me to quit. If i didn’t love the Lord with my whole being I would have to agree with my dad. It does look stupid. The abuse I take because I am trying to get people to support the work I am doing for the Lord is difficult to endure. However, we are not responsible for how people react or not react to our ministry for Jesus. We are responsible for the care of it to Jesus.
As I lay in bed after the first night of my sale the Lord told me the parable at the beginning of this letter. George and I agree this is what the Lord wanted us to share with you. George said, “I knew you must have the message because the Lord wasn’t telling me anything to write.”
It isn’t that “neat and tidy” Christmas message you would expect. As I stated before, Jesus is not “neat and tidy” and when He was born it was not “neat and tidy.” Unfortunately, we have romanticized the story of the birth of Jesus and have made His entrance to the world seem like charming folklore. We don’t walk in the understanding and respect of the weight of the cost that Jesus paid for us.
In His Service

George and Lorraine Halama
Photograph designed and taken by Lorraine