Resolve To Make A Better You
It is that time of year when many people think about making a new years resolution. We evaluate what we would like to see different in our lives in the year ahead of us and try to make a plan to make it happen. Unfortunately, I have never heard anyone say that they have been able to keep or fulfill their new years resolution. I always hear the stories of the failed attempts at previous years resolutions.
I heard someone say, “Oh! I make the same resolution every year and two or three days into the new year I’ve already failed.” It didn’t seem they took it too seriously to begin with.
I have had people ask me what my new years resolution is. My response is always the same. “I don’t really believe in making resolutions but I have made it my resolve to work at making myself a better person for Jesus everyday.”
I encourage you to resolve in your heart to walk a little closer with Jesus this year.
Pray a little more, sit and talk to Jesus a little more, marvel at the wonders of our world that our God created a little more, read His Word a little more.
Celebrate small things, Celebrate for no reason at all, Celebrate Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).
Resolve to live a little deeper this year with Jesus.
If you want the world to change it has to begin with you. You can’t skip changing you and expect the world to change.
You have no idea how much it will cause others to change when you change for the positive. It may not always be obvious but it does. It is some of the best evangelism you can do when you change “you” for the better.
Be Blessed,
George and Lorraine Halama